
As the global age takes its course, Pakistan has an unparallel opportunity to estabelish its identity as a pluralist state

Location: Bahawalpur, Pakistan

Friday, November 11, 2005

US oil giants defend profit

The heads of US oil giants defended the record profits their firms have been making while drivers around the globe are forced to pay mounting prices at the pump.
At a combative hearing in Congress called to address charges of oil company "price-gouging," Exxon Mobil chief executive Lee Raymond said that huge investment, hurricanes and increasing demand had all contributed to rising prices in the United States.
But Pete Domenici, chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, highlighted growing public anger over gasoline prices.
"Is somebody rigging the price of oil?" the New Mexico Republican asked the executives at a hearing that saw Republicans join Democrats in taking the oil majors to task.
"Most Americans in most of the polls show that our people have a growing suspicion that the oil companies are taking unfair advantage of the current market conditions to line their coffers with excess profits," he said.
Domenci noted a proposal led by some Democratic senators for a windfall profit tax on oil company gains above 40 dollars a barrel. Prices are now just under 60 dollars a barrel.
Domenci cast doubt on such a tax but said he still wanted the oil companies to give assurances about how they plan to use their recent profits to stabilize supplies and to lower prices.
Republican Senator Olympia Snowe, decrying "atrocious price-gouging," said: "People across the country are outraged that they continue to bear record-high fuel prices while oil companies rake in enormous profits."
Raymond, whose company last month reported quarterly profits of 9.92 billion dollars, the biggest in US corporate history, was one of five oil chief executives to defend the industry's actions.
"Our numbers are huge because the scale of our industry is huge," the head of the world's biggest oil company told the senators, stressing that there were no "quick fixes" to the world's energy problems.
Exxon Mobil had made "massive investment" in recent years, he said, while hurricanes Katrina and Rita had been a "one-two punch to the petroleum industry as well as to many of your constituents."
Many drilling facilities in the Gulf of Mexico and refineries on land were knocked out of operation by the killer storms in August and September.
Raymond predicted that over the next 25 years there would be a 50 percent rise in global energy demand, with oil and gas providing the bulk, necessitating big new investment by oil firms.
The Exxon Mobil chief said the US government can "best help by providing a stable and predictable market environment," and expressed opposition to "hastily crafted" measures such as a windfall tax.
Other oil bosses also highlighted their major investment and the impact of the hurricanes.
Ross Pilari, the head of BP America, said his firm had invested between 13 billion and 15 billion dollars annually in recent years.
Chevron chief executive David O'Reilly said his company's investments flow to the "greatest opportunity", namely those that show the potential for "long-term returns."
US gasoline prices shot up to average more than three dollars a gallon (3.78 litres) in early September after Katrina struck.
While they have since fallen back, the high petrol prices coupled with expectations of steep heating bills this winter have contributed to the falling poll ratings being suffered by President George W. Bush.
The White House said Wednesday that Bush -- who like Vice President Dick Cheney is a former oil man -- shares public concerns about high energy prices.
"It is important for all of us, government, private sector, individual Americans to do their part," said White House spokesman Scott McClellan.

NY Times: October 28, 2005

A sudden interruption in oil supplies sent prices and profits skyrocketing, prompting
Exxon's chief executive to call a news conference right after his company announced that it had chalked up record earnings.
"I am not embarrassed," he said. "This is no windfall."
That was January 1974, a few months after Arab oil producers cut back on supplies and imposed their short-lived embargo on exports to the United States. Oil executives, including J. K. Jamieson, Exxon's chief executive at the time, were put on the defensive, forced to justify their soaring profits while the nation was facing its first energy crisis.
Three decades later, their successors are again facing contentions that oil companies are making too much money and have failed to expand production.
Politicians and other critics are asking why the industry allowed its refining capacity to tighten.
Exxon Mobil, the world's largest oil company, said yesterday that its third-quarter net income jumped 75 percent, to $9.92 billion. Its profit in the first nine months of this year - $25.42 billion - already equals its full-year earnings for 2004. This year's sales, which topped $100 billion in the last quarter, are expected to exceed those of
Another oil giant, Royal Dutch Shell, reported a 68 percent jump in profits yesterday, to $9.03 billion.
Chevron is expected to post a profit of more than $4 billion today.
This year is shaping up as an exceptionally lucrative one for the oil industry, thanks to strong global demand, tight supplies and high prices for oil and natural gas. While the idea that the Bush administration was considering imposing a windfall profits tax was knocked down yesterday by officials, longstanding resentments against Big Oil are resurfacing and could end up imposing some additional burdens on the industry.
The sense that government should step in to curb the phenomenal wealth and power often enjoyed by oil companies goes back to Exxon Mobil's corporate ancestor from the late 19th century, the Rockefeller oil trust known as Standard Oil.
Today, Republicans and Democrats alike, aware of the politically sensitive issue of high energy prices, are putting increasing pressure on the oil and gas industry to return some of its profits. The ideas include forcing the industry to invest in more refining capacity, to increase inventories to cushion energy shocks, or to provide money directly to the government program that helps low-income people pay heating bills.
Simmering resentment of the oil industry has heated up as gas lines reappeared in some cities this summer and gas prices rose above $3 a gallon, a record even when adjusted for inflation. Gasoline prices, already well above what Americans are accustomed to, spiked after two Gulf Coast hurricanes curbed domestic production and briefly pushed oil prices above $70 a barrel.
This winter, Americans can expect to pay much more for heating their homes than they did last year.
Bill Frist, the Republican leader, said yesterday that executives of major oil companies will be summoned to Capitol Hill to testify about high energy prices. Some of Mr. Frist's language harked back to the 1970's and early 1980's when cries of price gouging at gasoline pumps were common.
"If there are those who abuse the free enterprise system to advantage themselves and their businesses at the expense of all Americans," he said, "they ought to be exposed, and they ought to be ashamed."
Chuck Schumer, Democrat of New York, was even more heated: "Big Oil behemoths are making out like bandits, while the average American family is getting killed by high gas prices, and soon-to-be-record heating oil prices."
This week,
J. Dennis Hastert, Republican of Illinois and the speaker of the House, called on companies to build or expand refineries in the United States and explain when a pipeline deal will be reached to bring oil and natural gas from Alaska.
Oil companies, however, bristle at suggestions they should be taxed more. The last time a windfall tax was imposed on the industry, intended to punish it by capturing additional revenue beyond the taxes collected through the normal corporate income tax, was the period 1980 to 1988.
Oil executives, echoing arguments heard in boardrooms around the world, say their business is highly volatile, with alternating periods of high and low prices. Only seven years ago, oil was at $10 a barrel.
"What happens when we don't have a year like this one?" asked Red Cavaney, the president of the American Petroleum Institute, the industry's main lobbying group.
The lure of higher margins from the refining business - rather than Mr. Hastert's encouragements - prompted one Houston energy concern, Marathon Oil, to announce plans to expand its refinery in Garyville, La. The company expects to increase production there to 425,000 barrels a day by 2009 from 245,000 barrels a day currently.
Exxon was forced to defend its record of investing in refining capacity. The company said it had increased capacity at its existing refineries by 2 percent a year over the last decade, bringing in an additional 400,000 barrels a day through successive expansions.
For the full year, Exxon plans to invest about $18 billion for both exploration and refining, a 21 percent gain from last year.
"You have to look over a longer term," Henry Hubble, Exxon Mobil's vice president for investor relations, said in a conference call with analysts yesterday. "If you're trying to encourage supply growth, it seems odd to put in disincentives. You've got to let the market work."
For the last quarter, the company said its capital investments totaled $4.4 billion, up 22 percent from the quarter last year.
But in a sign that oil companies are making more money than they can plow back into their business, Exxon returned $6.8 billion to shareholders either by buying back shares or paying dividends.
In an interview on Fox News 10 days ago, Lee R. Raymond, Exxon's chief executive, sought to quell some of the criticism. "Profit is not a dirty word," he said. "And it's absolutely required in our industry to have an adequate level of profit to be able to continue to invest."
Later in the program, when asked whether Exxon's profits were "obscene," he said: "No, I don't think they're obscene. I don't think they're obscene at all."
On Tuesday, the chief executive of
BP, Lord John Browne, also tried to dismiss the issue of higher taxes. BP reported that its third-quarter profit rose 34 percent, to $6.46 billion.
When asked how much pressure he was feeling about a windfall tax, Lord Browne quickly replied, "None." He said higher prices would have a cooling effect on demand, which would lower prices, and make a windfall tax unnecessary.
But not everyone is persuaded by the argument that higher taxes would stunt investments and curb future production.
"The industry says a windfall profit tax would limit investments," said Philip K. Verleger, a consultant and a former senior adviser on energy policy at the Treasury Department. "That's wrong."
"You can come up with a tax that would not impact investments but might in fact stimulate them," Mr. Verleger added. "You allow the industry to recoup its investments and make a good return. Then you look at incremental revenue and tax that."
Because of the hurricanes, Exxon said that its average oil and natural gas production fell 4.7 percent in the quarter. The company produced 2.45 million barrels of oil a day. Natural gas production fell 9 percent, to 7.7 million cubic feet per day. But Exxon said its production in the quarter would still have dropped 1 percent, excluding the effect of the hurricanes.
Senator Jack Reed, Democrat of Rhode Island, yesterday called on eight of the largest American energy concerns, including Citgo Petroleum, which is controlled by the government of Venezuela, to contribute 10 percent of their profits to heating-aid programs this winter.
But Samuel W. Bodman, the energy secretary, said he was against any effort to impose taxes on the oil industry as a way of assisting poor families with energy costs. He said the Bush administration was considering requiring the industry to keep emergency stockpiles of gasoline and other refined products to guard against supply disruptions.
This year's backlash may be reminiscent of what the industry went through during the oil shocks of the 1970's. But oil companies, subject to price controls throughout much of the decade, seem better able to fend off their critics today.
"Our public image," Mr. Jamieson, the Exxon chief executive in 1974, said then, "is at a low ebb."
Heather Timmons contributed reporting from London for this article.